Thursday, April 24, 2014

Hermana Miller: Week 27: He Lives!


What a week! We have been working our little tushies off! And seeing plenty of miracles to boot.  (Some examples: Found a long lost "sheep" who had never had his records transferred and did not know where the church was, having 26 lessons, finding TONS of new investigators, having specific prayers specifically answered, lovely weather, and EASTER!)  Can't really complain. (Especially about the weather!  I finally have the classic missionary watch tan! YES! I am a real missionary now!)

I can't believe it has been six months already. That is just simply mind-blowing. I have learned so much and changed so much in such a short time. It really feels like it has been a few weeks and that is it! The Savior has changed me completely. (Thank goodness! I was a prideful BRAT!  Sorry, everyone!) I can't even begin to explain or list how different I am, mostly because I just don't know all the changes yet! But I loved Easter because it reminded me just how incredible our brother and Savior Christ is. I know that through Him we can ALL become new and better people! He makes everything possible. He lives! I had the opportunity to give a lesson on the Final Judgment yesterday in Gospel Principles, and I was so amazed by the incredible mercy of the Savior which always overpowers the perfect justice which we deserve. We are so lucky to have Him. I can't express how much I love Him.  Really, I can't. And I know that love will continue to grow throughout my life as I serve Him and search to know more about Him. I love Mosiah's words when he said:

 "I say unto you, I would that ye should remember to retain the name written always in your hearts, that ye are not found on the left hand of God, but that ye hear and know the voice by which ye shall be called, and also, the name by which he shall call you.
 For how knoweth a man the master whom he has not served, and who is a stranger unto him, and is far from the thoughts and intents of his heart?" ( Mosiah 5:12-13)

I know this is true. I am so dedicated to staying a missionary and a servant of my Father in Heaven, not just for the next year but for all eternity. That is the only way to be happy. I know I can never repay Him for His perfect love and unending forgiveness, but at least I can try. President Weston shared a quote with us that said this:

"Love is an act of endless forgiveness, a tender look which becomes a habit." (Peter Ustinov)

I know the Savior loves us dearly, because He is constantly forgiving us. I know my Father in Heaven loves us, because He sacrificed His Son so that we COULD receive that mercy! And His Son rose again! He lives! And He loves us. I know this.

"Me & My Buds"

I love you all. Serve the Lord and smile. I will!

Love,  Hermana Miller :)

The picture you get back when you send them fun St. Patty's Day items! :)


"Hermanas Miller & Pocock & their sweet X. kids"

"My Low Rider"

"They are engaged!"

"My District"

"They are always after me Lucky Charms!"

"Nebraska's Exotic Wildlife"

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