Saturday, December 27, 2014


It is interesting to me the times at which inspiration, (revelation, enlightenment; whatever you choose to call it,) strikes. One moment we may be doing a mundane task, and the next a thought floods into our mind that we have never experienced before. We did not know, the second before that revelation came to us, that in a blink of an eye our minds and hearts would be forever colored, and our perception of everything around us altered, by a newly revealed truth which we did not know, or perhaps did not fully understand the moment before. We, as humans, are static beings. With each moment, we ebb and flow like the tide. We are never the same person. We are shaped in the infinitesimal ticking of the little hand on the clock. From second to second, experience to experience, thought to thought, we are changed.

I had one of those simple, powerful, revelatory moments this evening. I was in the shower, and I began to watch the streams of water fall from the shower head. As I focused on them, I became more aware of the individual drops which made up the seemingly constant stream of water. I became conscious of each drop of water on my hands. And I realized something. Each drop was different, it was unique. No drop was quite the same, nor had it traveled exactly the same trajectory. Each drop struck my skin for a moment and then was gone. I was overwhelmed with the ephemeral nature of it all. I felt saddened and amazed at how temporary It all was. And, as moments such as that tend to encourage, I began to think.

I thought about life. I thought about moments. I thought about eternity. I thought about the vast expanse of difference between the two, but at the same time I thought about the intimate interconnectedness of them as well. I reflected on the moments of my day, my year, my life and the significance they had had on shaping who I have become. I pondered what the moments of the future could bring. I realized something; I realized that eternity is constructed of fleeting moments. Every second holds eternal significance. Every heartbeat, every thought, every action, every desire, every experience becomes a thread woven into our tapestry. Every thread is different, and while some threads may be the same color, the same length, be made of the same type of fibers, they are still different threads. They are not the same thread and never will be. If that thread was removed, in the end the final tapestry would be less because of it. So it is with our lives. Every moment is a detail in the final masterpiece of who we have chosen to become.

As I pondered, I thought of a quote from Carlos Castaneda’s Journey to Ixtlan, which states the importance of the individual moment quite bluntly:

There is one simple thing wrong with you – you think you have plenty of time … If you don’t think your life is going to last forever, what are you waiting for? Why the hesitation to change? You don’t have time for this display, you fool. This, whatever you’re doing now, may be your last act on earth. It may very well be your last battle. There is no power which could guarantee that you are going to live one more minute.” 

How would our manner of living change if we came to understand and internalize the eternal significance of each and every second that we live?  Would we permit the little inconveniences of this life to anger us? Would we succumb to fleeting temptations and passions? Would we live for immediate gratification if we recognized that the momentary pleasure in which we indulged would have delayed and eternal consequences? Would we love more? Or more than that, would we show our love more? (Because yes, it is very possible to feel love and not always live that love out loud.) Would we be more hopeful and optimistic, knowing that every trial is just a matter of a chain of small and fleeting moments- a series of similarly colored threads that must and do eventually come to an end? Would we waste our precious time on things of inconsequential nature? Would we set our hearts on the temporary things of this world? Would we center our souls more on eternal objectives?

I believe that if we could truly fathom the gravity of each moment, it would forever alter our patterns of behavior and lifestyle. We are told in the Book of Mormon to “be wise in the days of [our] probation,” (Mormon 9:28) and warned that “awful is his state” (2 Nephi 9:27) of him that wastes this probationary and fleeting period-this mortal life. I catch myself doing this much more than I’d like to admit. It is easy to fall into the same pattern of folly as the character being addressed in Castaneda’s aforementioned novel. I tend to believe that I have an entire lifetime to achieve success, to reach my divine potential, to become the kind of person my Heavenly Father knows I can be and wants me to become. But a cognitive framework like that is fatal to progression. It is the root of habitual procrastination. Because this life is not long. In the scheme of eternity, this life is that fleeting moment. This life is that drop of water. This life is a single thread in that tapestry. Am I making this clear? What we need is a paradigm shift-a realignment of our sense of time. Eternity is not possible without the single moment. The single moment means nothing without the promise of eternity. I guess what this all boils down to for me is that I want to live in the moment, but not for the moment. Does that make sense? I want to live my life in a way that I am cognizant of the critical nature of every moment and everything I do, but I refuse to live in a manner that only seeks the rewards of each moment. Eternal perspective. We should find God in the details of our lives-we should include Him in each and every millisecond that we live and breathe. And as we do that, as we consciously act and utilize our time of probation, something beautiful happens. We create a masterpiece of our lives. When this momentary life has come to an end, we will be able to take a step back and look at the full grandeur of the tapestry we have created, and smile. We will smile because we will know that we picked out and very purposefully placed each and every thread. We will have created our eternity out of the moments.

Bittersweet: September 28, 2014

As I am sure many people have already heard, I have had to come home on medical leave. It has been the hardest decision of my life, but all people involved felt the Spirit very strongly. I hope and pray to be back out soon but am prepared to embrace whatever the Lord's will may be at this time in my life. 

I am grateful that we can always be missionaries, no matter where we are or under what circumstance. There is a great promise in Doctrine and Covenants that has really touched my heart this last week: (D&C 97:8-9)

"Verily I say unto you, all among them who know their hearts are honest, and are broken, and their spirits contrite, and are willing to observe their covenants by sacrifice—yea, every sacrifice which I, the Lord, shall command—they are accepted of me.

For I, the Lord, will cause them to bring forth as a very fruitful tree which is planted in a goodly land, by a pure stream, that yieldeth much precious fruit."

The purpose of a mission is to learn to do God's will, no matter what He commands. I know that as we act on the promptings we receive, and sincerely desire to be instruments in His hands, He will bless us to be able to bring those around us closer to Him and our Savior Christ. He will bless us to be fruitful in the field "all white and ready to harvest." 

I am grateful for all the prayers in my behalf. I am striving to continue to be a missionary. I love you all. Trust the Lord. 

Have a wonderful week. 

Hermana Miller: Week 48: L-O-V-E: September 22, 2014

I must be the most loved girl in the entire world. I am serious. I guess it is no secret now to most of you that I have been pretty sick the last several weeks. (Haha, I was able to hide it for so long! Dang it!) But this week I have been flooded with love from so many people, especially my Heavenly Father. I can feel His love very keenly through all of your expressions of love and well-wishes for me. I cannot express my thanks and gratitude to the countless people who have prayed and fasted for me, put my name in multiple temples, and have sent me notes of encouragement and get-well packages. You all have blown me away with your incredible examples of Christlike charity. Thank you very much for bringing light, laughter, and love to a difficult week. Everything is in the Lord's hands, and I know He is in control. There is no need to worry about me, I have so much faith that everything is going to turn out just perfectly. (It always does when we follow the Lord's plans!) I am happy and I will very soon be healthy, I just know it. How could I not be with so many angels praying for me?! Thanks for all you have done, I have felt the sustaining power and peace of all your sincere prayers. 

This week was incredible. We got to attend Stake Conference-and it was the most powerful I have experienced in a very long time. Elder Jack D. Ward, an area 70, and Elder Carlos A. Godoy attended as they called a new Stake Presidency to serve. It. Was. AMAZING. I KNOW those men are called of God! We were privileged to hear from them several times, my dear Mission President Weston and his sweet wife, Temple President Okiishi and his wife, all of the previous Stake Presidency, and all of the new Stake Presidency as well. A spiritual nuclear bomb dropped on all of Omaha. I was so impressed with the diversity, yet unity of all their messages; We are ALL a part of the Work of Salvation! Missionary work, temple work, family history work, visiting and home teaching-there is no difference and line! They are all the same thing! They all are part of our Heavenly Father's perfect plan to bring all His dear, dear children back to Him. In the words of the new President Perks- "I know that God is our loving Heavenly Father....and He is a good Father." I know that is true as well. One of the most tender things I have ever seen happen in a stake conference was listening to 3 separate and beautiful testimonies- one of a recent convert, one of a teen boy who just did temple work for his deceased father, and one of a reactivated sister who has been less active for about half of her time as a member of the Church. Each simple testimony was so powerful, and they all taught me one thing- Through our love, we can save others. Because as they feel our love, they begin to trust in and recognize the infinite love of their Heavenly Father and brother Jesus Christ. 

Something else I noticed in Stake Conference, is that every single one of those Priesthood leaders, expressed the most tender love and gratitude for their dear wives. They complimented them sincerely and publicly. It really got me thinking about the type of woman I want to be. I think every woman dreams of a husband that loves her so much that he is not afraid to show it, a husband that is grateful for her, and a husband that is humble, and more important than anything else, a devoted servant of God. My goal and purpose is to allow the Lord to mold me into the type of woman that will be worthy one day of that appreciation and honor. And I know that if I love and serve God above all else, He will. I constantly ask the members for life advice-how they love the gospel happily and have harmony and the Spirit in their homes and marriages. One of the most profound and wonderful things I have ever heard was this: "Marry a man who loves God more than absolutely anything else. Because if he does, he will NEVER hurt a precious daughter of God, and he will do anything to help her feel her divine worth." Yepp, that one got written down. 

Love is the root of all things. Do we actively and regularly show our love to our Heavenly Father? Because He never forgets to or takes a break in showing His love to us. And aren't we grateful for that! One of the best ways to show our love to Him is to show our love to our brothers and sisters-His children. How grateful and proud He must be when He sees one of us do a selfless act for someone else, or when He hears a sincere prayer for the well-being of another of His dear, sweet, precious children. 

I love you all. Thank you for loving and remembering me this week. I am grateful for each of you. 

Love, Hermana Miller 

Wednesday, September 17, 2014

"Sister Miller: You have a very, very sick daughter..."

I am Alyssa's mom, Angela Miller.  I learned from a random email from Alyssa one week ago Monday that read "Mom, I am SO sick, I am so fatigued, I can't wake up on time - I have NEVER been this tired... I am on antibiotics for a double ear infection.  The Dr thinks it might be mono.... Please pray for me." that she was sick.  However, until two days ago, on 9/15/2014, I didn't know how sick she was.  I received another random email this past Monday from Alyssa saying, "My Mission President's wife, Sister Weston, needs to talk to you today."   That is when I got a pit in the bottom of my stomach & in my heart.  That is when I knew I had a sick girl.   

I called the Mission Home & Sister Weston informed me that "Sister Miller: You have a very, very sick daughter...  she has seen several Dr's & none of them can agree on what is making her so sick."   Her medical records have been sent to SLC & an Area Medical Specialist has been called in to oversee & manage her case.  Her companion is tracting during the day with another companionship to relieve stress from Alyssa (she was stressing out about "slowing / stopping the work with her illness & fatigue") & she has been ordered to rest by the Mission President & her Dr's (while another sick Sister missionary stays & studies with her each day), until further notice.  

I need to tearfully bear my testimony of the goodness of our Loving Father in Heaven & how He is ever aware of us, our children & our motherly pleadings to our Father on behalf of our/His children. I posted late Monday (2 days ago) about my sick missionary daughter, Hermana Alyssa Miller in the Nebraska Omaha Mission on a private Facebook Group for mothers of missionaries that are currently serving worldwide.  This group is about 6,100+ strong.   It was about midnight on Monday,  when I asked for their support & prayers on her behalf. I was absolutely overwhelmed by the support that came as a heavenly avalanche in my inbox on FB & in the comments & likes on their Facebook page. I,  also, need to bear testimony of the earthly angels that bless our lives & serve as the Lord's hands on earth - ministering to the sick & afflicted, lifting hearts & spirits, caring for a complete stranger's earthly child with love & hugs of tenderness - that only women can offer - as mothers in proxy, when this mother can't be there in person like she wishes she could be. Two members of this inspired group (& in my daughter's stake) reached out to her personally in the last 24 hours & contacted me to see what they could do locally. One delivered flowers & chicken soup on my behalf, sent her a personal message that was undeniably from her mom, using a nickname only her own mom would know. 

Then, I wake up this morning to a FB message from another amazing Relief Society (the women's auxiliary in our Mormon church) sister in this group letting me know that she took Alyssa & her companion dinner & a huge hug on my behalf last night & updated me on her physical appearance (she looks good, but very tired) & the details only a mom would think to look for or ask about. And, they informed my sweet girl of the overwhelming amount of all of YOU that are praying for her & Hermana Miller was humbled to tears! 

Our Father in Heaven is real. Jesus Christ lives & is ever involved in our daily lives as we minister to each other. The Holy Ghost is an ever present & active member of the Godhead working tirelessly to help us to be the blessing to each other that these women & each of you have been to me & my family in our time of need. I am forever grateful to each of you, my heavenly sisters, fellow RS sisters & Missionary Mommas! Thank you to ALL of you!
I got this picture via FB from a RS sister & fellow FB Missionary Mom who picked up the flowers & soup I bought for Alyssa locally & delivered them to her for me!  Such loving service for a mom & daughter she has never even met!

A very tired, humble Hermana Miller & Hermana Carlson coming back to their apartment to let Hermana Miller rest the remainder of the day.  As they arrived - the sweet "Proxy Mom" & earthly angel arrived, as well to deliver a gift from me to my sick baby girl!

The other RS sister that took her & her companion dinner last night gave her a "proxy" huge hug for me, as well, & informed her of the enormous group of missionary moms on FB that were praying for her & expressed the amount of love I have for her, as well & a very tearful & humble Alyssa thanked her so much for everything.  God is TRULY good & real.  He is undeniably a force for good & has an army here on earth that goes about doing good WITHOUT seeking the fame, acknowledgment & applause of the world - wanting only to care for each other & please their Savior & Father in Heaven.

Hermana Miller: Week 47: Why NOT Smile About It?

September 15, 2014

I am going to start this email with a wonderful quote from Marjorie Pay Hinckley: 

“The only way to get through life is to laugh your way through it. You either have to laugh or cry. I prefer to laugh. Crying gives me a headache”

Amen to that, sister. 

The mission has taught me so much recently about being happy. About being truly joyful. Joy does NOT mean that everything is perfect. Joy has something to do with fighting and working for something. It has something to do with personal peace of mind. And joy has EVERYTHING to do with trusting the Lord. I want everyone to know right now that today, I am joyful. We can choose to be joyful in our circumstances, not BECAUSE of our circumstances. Because everything that happens to us, every single little thing, is a blessing. Some are hard blessings-blessings in disguise (or "opportunities dressed in work clothes" as Bro. Guerrero used to tell me in Grand Island,) but literally everything that happens to us is a blessing-if we choose to see it as so. 

As I studied in Doctrine and Covenants this morning, I came across two wonderful scriptures that really touched me heart: 

"Do not murmur, my son, for it is wisdom in me that I have dealt with you after this manner." (D&C 9:6)

"Therefore, dearly beloved brethren, let us cheerfully do all things that lie in our power; and then may we stand still, with the utmost assurance, to see the salvation of God, and for his arm to be revealed." (D&C 123:17)  

Why is it that so many times in our life, as soon as a drop of rain lands smack dab in the middle of our forehead, that we pack up the beach picnic and head for the ark? Sometimes, if we looked up a little more, and at ourselves a little less, we would realize that not every trial that happens is the end of the world. Not every raindrop leads to a torrential downpour. Something I have been learning that I think is very important to remember is that it is OKAY to be happy even when life isn't perfect. And too often we don't let ourselves live that way. We think that if we don't walk around with a face like we are sucking on a sour pickle then we aren't truly suffering. Our challenge isn't that hard. False. It is possible to have a broken heart and a face that still is smiling. Why add to the misery? We can choose, as we learn in the Book of Mormon over and over, whether we are happy or whether we are miserable, based on how we react to our situations. Will we react pitifully, or prayerfully? It makes all the difference. I choose to be happy. And I hope you will too. It's possible to have peace and joy in EVERY circumstance, when you know you are on the Lord's side. He is always on ours. 

Yesterday I had the wonderful opportunity of attending a Catholic worship service. It was a great experience. They are really good people doing really good things. I sincerely enjoyed it! As we were participating though, I had the strongest spiritual confirmation come over me of the reality of the Restoration and the "marvelous work and a wonder" that our Loving Heavenly Father did through His prophet, Joseph Smith. I am so grateful for the complete and restored church of Jesus Christ here on this earth. It brings so much light and joy and understanding to things which much of the world considers to be mysteries. They don't have to be, because God still speaks to us through personal revelation, an open canon of scripture, and a living and breathing prophet here on the Earth today. And now isn't that something to be joyful about!!! 

I love you all, 
Hermana Miller 

PS- I know Grandpa McCleery is smiling on all of us this week. He loves us so much. And he is still very present and involved in our lives. Make him proud, everyone.  

(Tomorrow night just past midnight is the 13th anniversary of his death…  )

Monday, September 8, 2014

Hermana Miller: Week 46: Nada!

September 8, 2014

I am going to start this letter with a joke: 

"Que hace un pez?" 
"Nada! "

It's (mildly) funny if you speak Spanish, okay? No judging. 
(In Google Translate it says:  “What does a fish?”  “Nothing!”…. yep… don’t judge! HA! ~Angela)

This week flew by so fast. I feel like someone hit the "fast-forward" button on my mission and I am really resenting them for it. Someone asked me last night how long I had been out and I started to say nine months, and then I realized that in a week it will actually be eleven. What? It was crazy to go to Spanish Conference and see my "brothers" from the MTC and realize that they will be hitting their half-way point very soon. They are all growing up so fast. I really love the mission and everyone I have met here. 

Spanish conference was just wonderful. I got to see some of my dear, dear friends again. Especially the GUERREROS!!!!! (The best, oldest people EVER who I just LOVED from Grand Island.) they drove all the GI missionaries out. I think I spent more time joking with Hermano Guerrero than with anyone else there. I so love them. It was wonderful to hear from Hermana Buhler that some of the people I taught in Grand Island will be getting baptized soon and others are really progressing. It doesn't matter that I am not there, I am just so happy for all of them. Grand Island will always be in my heart. That is such a special area full of incredibly special people. I love them dearly. 

We also had a party this week for the ward to celebrate Mexican Independence Day (Sept 16th,) but we did it to celebrate all the countries since we have so much diversity in this area. It was so fun! I think I am finally winning the members over (lots of service and love is the key there,) and I am really feeling like I have a family here in Omaha too. It's amazing how much I love everyone I have ever met on my mission, even the more difficult ones! :) 

The mission has taught me a lot about love. "Pure love, flowing from righteousness, can change the world." That is truth! We all need to take a little more time and effort to love ALL those around us, including ourselves. More compliments, less criticism. More service, less selfishness. More patience, less pestering. The Book of Mormon is teaching me a lot about that this time around. I am always amazed at the patience and love with which Nephi responds to his difficult brothers. Can't we all just be a little more like that? I know I for sure need to practice it. 

I love you all, and so does out Heavenly Father. Be good. Be kind, and be grateful God is kind. It is a happy way to live. 

Love, Hermana Miller :) 

Hermanas Carlson & Miller at the Mexican Independence Day celebration

Hermanas Miller & Carlson (top, far right) at Spanish Conference 2014

Spanish Conference September 2014

Wednesday, September 3, 2014

Hermana Miller: Week 45: What A Week!!!

September 2, 2014
This week went so fast I don't even know what to write! It's all a blur! I guess I will start out with a cool miracle though! 

Hermanas Carlson & Miller

About a week and a half ago we went to a Greek Festival for dinner (Hermana Carlson and I love exploring the world through food-we probably have the most exciting meals in the entire mission. We also hit up an Italian Festival this week, and we will be going to a German one soon! It's such a great experience because you get to enjoy your passions and talk to a ton of people! We are gonna get a world map and start marking off every country we have "traveled" to!) At that festival we talked to two really nice ladies-Christiana and Nancy. We talked to them for quite a while about the Church and didn't think much else about it. Well that festival was put on by the Greek Orthodox Church here in town, so this past Sunday we felt prompted to go to their service before we went to our own. (We are trying to go and do a bunch of church swaps to try and understand the people we meet better.) So we went! It was such a beautiful and wonderful experience! (Especially as a Humanities nerd, being surrounded by Byzantine art was a dream come true.) It really helped us understand the experience our investigators go through as they experiment coming to our church for the first time! It was a traditional liturgical service-a lot of chanting and singing in response, about 50% Greek and 50% English. It was a lot confusing at first, but a lady in front of us turned around to help and lo and behold it was Christiana! She was so happy to see us! She talked to us afterwards and was so pleased. And then they had a "linger-longer" sort of deal and Nancy came up to us and was so excited that she started introducing us to everyone nearby as "the Mormons!!" And then she told them all about missionaries and what we do! Turns out she was raised in Utah and has fond feelings towards the Church. We talked to her for about 20 minutes and she asked us for all of the Church's info out here and our info as well, she wants to have us over for dinner! Amazing! That was a great experience. 

We have Spanish Conference tomorrow,  I am SO excited to see everyone! All of the hermanas will be performing that song that I wrote a few months ago when I was with Hermana Buhler. Keep tuned to see how it goes and please pray I will get over this cold by tomorrow! 

I got to give a training today in District meeting. It was all about personal revelation and how personal worthiness affects our prayers. Make sure you repent daily and that you are praying sincerely. Don't live below your privileges. If you get a chance, read the chapter in Teachings of the Presidents:  Joseph Smith book about Prayer and personal revelation! It's beautiful! 

Love you all! 
Have a great week, 
Hermana Miller 

Hermana Miller: Week 44: A Mighty Change of Heart!

August 25, 2014

Hello world! 

Hermanas Carlson & Miller, Omaha Spanish Ward, Omaha, NE
Another wonderful week in the mission!   And I just got done playing a missionary volleyball "tournament" so I am happy as a clam. (Are clams even happy?  Where did that saying come from, anyways?) We had enough people for five teams and there were a lot of really great players! I have missed it a lot. I still love competition, so between Monday morning volleyball and Saturday night Futbol (Soccer) I am loving life here in Omaha. (And I am starting to get a very loose hang on soccer! It's fun! Especially when you play with all the members. Hermana Carlson and I are the only women who play though....but they don't give us any special treatment! Haha!) 

This week I spent a lot of time reflecting.  This is a little unorthodox, but I want to apologize to everyone. I need to apologize for the person I was before the mission. Especially, during high school. I was not a good example of anything, except what NOT to do. This is my sincere and heartfelt, penitent apology to absolutely anyone who I ever offended, hurt, or blew off. This is an apology to anyone I ever let down, or led astray. This is an apology to everyone to whom I owed a good example, and fell short. I made a lot of mistakes in my life. The mission has definitely humbled me and helped me to recognize just how much more I could have done and been. I'm so sincerely sorry, from the bottom of my heart. I didn't live the way I should have. I was self-conscious and easily swayed from doing what I knew was right. I recognize now that a lot more people watch you than you think, and I feel sincere sorrow for all the people that saw me do things that didn't reflect the will and love of our  Heavenly Father. I promise I really have changed. I don't even recognize, nor want to associate anymore with the person that I was, and I will never go back to being that girl.  Please, please feel the heart I am putting into this.   I messed up.   A ton.   But I don't want to anymore. I'm not perfect. No one is. But, I am grateful to the Savior for giving us the chance to change. I hope everyone I ever hurt can forgive me, too. I am grateful to each of you who will permit me to change and be a better friend, family member, and example to you. 

Anyways, now that I have that burden off my chest, this week went well.  We found some new families and definitely saw some miracles. We had Zone Conference this week. Hermana Carlson and I were asked to perform a musical number, so we wrote a song to the tune of "Little Wonders" by Rob Thomas! We were really scared and kinda sickly, but it went off rather smashingly.   People seemed to really, really like it!   Even President Weston pulled us aside and told us how strongly the Spirit flooded in. 

Zone Conference was incredible.  We talked all about the Book of Mormon!   We are going to flood this mission with it!   Go to right now and watch the "Scriptures Legacy" video!   I want to extend the same challenge all the missionaries in NOM are doing to each of you - start the Book of Mormon over, and highlight all names of Deity, all the Atonement, and every time you see the word "heart." We are going to finish on December 8th. That's about five pages a day. I can promise that as you do that, you will feel the power of the atonement work in your life and you WILL have a change of heart. I promise that with all MY heart. 

I love you all!  Be good! 
Love, Hermana Miller 

Hermana Miller: Week 43: 10 Months? What in the world?!!

August 18, 2014

This week was a blur. It's just been crazy. I don't even know what to write about!
Hermanas Carlson & Miller
Something really neat I have been really amazed by this week is personal revelation and stewardship. As Hermana Carlson planned our vision for this area, we both felt we should work a lot with the part-member families in our ward. I scheduled us some meetings with the Bishop and the Ward Mission Leader, and they both had received the same promptings. I know as we do that, we will see miracles. It is so important to work with the Priesthood.

If there is one thing that I have learned to LOVE on my mission it is the Priesthood. I love and respect all Priesthood holders dearly. I LOVE Priesthood blessings. I wish I could have one every day. And something else I have learned to love is the way that Priesthood power and the divine role of women work together. No one is excluded from the blessings of the  Priesthood.  They are for EVERYONE. Just like a woman cannot bring life into this world (which is the most incredible privilege and honor God could bestow on us,) without her husband, neither can a man exercise the fullness of the Priesthood power without his wife. If anyone says that The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints is prejudiced and unfair, they do not understand the gospel. Men and women are a team in the gospel of Jesus Christ. Our Heavenly Father loves us so dearly and I am constantly and consistently amazed at the eternal and Celestial (and different) responsibilities we have each been given. We need each other. Men and women are not meant to compete for glory or rally for position, but to encourage and lift one another to a higher, more celestial plane of living. Cooperation, not competition, is the key to happiness. Humility, not hostility. Oh, how we all need each other. I wish everyone could see and understand that. I know that as we work together in callings, and in relationships, righteous men and women could change the world.

What it all boils down to is pride. Pride is the root of all vices, just as charity is the source from which all virtues spring. Let's just all be humble and work together and make the world a beautiful place, okay? :)

I love you all! I am doing great. Hope you each are as well.

This week I challenge you to make prayer journals! As you pray and ask questions to the Lord, write them down and then record the promptings you feel and the answers you get through the scriptures. It's so wonderful.

Love you!

Hermana Miller